Middle School Ultimate Clinic
Jim Pistrang/Aaron Julien
For boys and girls in 6th, 7th & 8th grade. Jim Pistrang
and Aaron Julien will run the clinics, consisting of
workshops and drills followed by scrimmages every
session. The workshops and drills focus on basic skills
and strategies, and are designed to ensure maximum
involvement for all players. Novice and experienced
players are welcome. Any questions, email Jim Pistrang at
jim@jcpr.com. Students will be able to ride the school bus
to Fort River.
Mondays & Thursdays., Sept. 16—Oct. 31
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Fort River Fields $69
To register or for more information, call LSSE offices at 259-3065 or log onto www.LSSE.org.
(This is not a school sponsored event)

We are the Parent/ Guardian Organization for the Amherst Regional Middle School. We strive to create a supportive and welcoming community for students, their families, teachers and administration by hosting events, organizing programs that foster a productive and positive environment; be a resource for information and engagement; and funding academic and ARMS community initiatives. Contact the PGO at armspgo@gmail.com
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