Spring is around the corner. We are excited about the prospect of longer days and warmer weather. Spring is full of many important events. Our 8th graders are beginning the process of learning about the high school and registering for classes. Our 7th graders are beginning to think about next year’s class selection and their role as the leaders of this school. The Spring sports seasons are just around the corner and MCAS is here. We are looking forward to the excitement of a new season and the final third of our school year.
Looking ahead to next year, we have the transition processes well underway. Seventh grade students received their course registration information for 8th grade. Please review this information and return the forms to your child’s advisor. Thank you for working with your child to get those important forms back in time. Feel free to contact us if you have questions about courses or the process.
Eighth grade students are learning about the high school. The high school guidance counselors and 8th grade teachers have spent time with our students discussing course selection and the registration process. Next come student/teacher/parents/guardian conferences that begin March 17 and run through March 24. These conferences will help 8th grade students register for 9th grade. If you have an 8th grade student and have not yet scheduled your student/parent/teacher conference, please contact the main office at 362-1850 or email Sue Battistoni at battistonis@arps.org.
Spring also brings assessment season! MCAS testing begins on March 18th with the ELA Composition test for seventh graders. In addition, seventh and eighth graders will take two ELA comprehension tests on March 20th and March 25th. MCAS is an opportunity for students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have worked so hard to gain. Please help your child do his/her best on the MCAS by helping them get to bed early and making sure they have a good breakfast. As always, breakfast will be available in our cafeteria. Math MCAS assessments are scheduled for mid-May. In late May and early June students in two randomly selected English sections will assist in the piloting process of the new national PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of College & Career Readiness) assessment. If your child was selected to be part of this group we will be sending home additional information in the next week.
During this time of transition and excitement as well as longer days with more activities, taking time to talk about successes and challenges with students is so very important. As always, please do not hesitate to call or email us as we work together to help students do their very best in the weeks ahead.
Betsy Dinger
(Copied from In the News at ARMS, 4(8), March, 2014)

We are the Parent/ Guardian Organization for the Amherst Regional Middle School. We strive to create a supportive and welcoming community for students, their families, teachers and administration by hosting events, organizing programs that foster a productive and positive environment; be a resource for information and engagement; and funding academic and ARMS community initiatives. Contact the PGO at armspgo@gmail.com
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