Thursday, April 11, 2013

Save the Date

The week after vacation will be week 2 schedule.

Monday, April 15 - Friday, April 19- Spring Recess
Friday, May 3- FSP Coffee
Friday, May 3- FSP Frisbee Golf Tournament
Thursday, May 9- Late Start Day
Monday, May 20- MAP Testing - Grade 7
Tuesday, May 21- MAP Testing - Grade 8
Wednesday, May 29- MAP Testing - Grade 7
Thursday, May 30- MAP Testing - Grade 8

Saturday May 4th from  9:30am to 5pm & Sunday May 5th 8:30am to 5pm.   Come watch over 30 teams from across the USA compete in the oldest and most prestigious high school ultimate tournament in the world in Amherst, the birthplace of Ultimate.  One of the most beautiful sports on earth!  Located at  ARHS/ARMS/UMass Ultimate Fields in Amherst.  Free admission and awesome layouts!  More information at


Systemic Academic Support for Incoming High School Students - $20,000
Grantee:  Mark Jackson, Principal, Amherst Regional High School
What is It?  This grant will enable our high school to implement a consistent set of practices to support academic success for all incoming 9th-graders.
What Does the Grant Fund?  The grant will fund teacher work sessions during the summer and the school year to implement a common set of support practices in three areas: (1) reading complex texts, (2) planning and managing workload (“executive function”), and (3) providing effective feedback in a diverse context
The Take-Away:  With a common set of supports for all incoming 9th-graders, our high school can maintain high expectations while giving all students the tools they need to meet them.

Robotics is Elementary - $13,800.
Grantee: Kathryn Runyan, Instructional Technology Teacher, Wildwood Elementary School, and colleagues in Leverett and Shutesbury
What is It? This grant will purchase Lego NXT Mindstorm kits and site licenses for all six elementary schools in Amherst, Pelham, Leverett, and Shutesbury. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the engineering process, programming, and teamwork.
What Does the Grant Fund? Sixth-grade teachers in each school will receive kits and training to extend learning through hands-on projects tied to the Massachusetts science and technology/engineering standards.  They will also develop Lego Robotics Recess Clubs for additional, in-school access.
The Take-Away:  AEF is putting LEGO robotics technology in the hands of all 6th-grade teachers and students, to learn science and engineering in a fun, hands-on way.

Family University - $4,000
Grantee: Marta Guevara, APRS Director of Student Achievement and Accountability
What Is It? This grant will support a series of monthly family-engagement discussions for approximately 65 Spanish-speaking, immigrant families who are newcomers to our K-12 school districts, based on a model by Harvard researchers Karen Mapp and Ronald Ferguson.
What Does the Grant Fund? The Family University series will consist of six community-based sessions on topics such as what children are learning in schools, parent/guardian advocacy, and parenting skills. The series will be offered twice during the school year – once during the day and once during the evening, to accommodate different schedules. AEF funds will support participant meals and logistical costs, while the district will support staffing.
The Take-Away:  This program reaches into the community to welcome some of our most vulnerable families as engaged participants in their children’s schools.

Photosynthesis in Action - $11,225.
Grantees:  James Fownes & Nicholas Shaw, ARHS Science Teachers
What Is It? This grant will purchase new technology for high school science classes (Labquest 2 handheld data interfaces, sensors, biochambers, and charging stations) that will enable students to visualize, measure, and graph photosynthesis in real time.
What Does the Grant Fund? With this new, hands-on technology, all students will be able to see, measure, and understand this fundamental biological process.  Lab exercises using this technology will be built into the required Ecology and Environmental Science curriculum; the equipment will be used in subsequent biology classes as well.
The Take-Away:  AEF is supporting cutting-edge technology for our high school students, making science more hands-on, more real, and more fun.

(All you can eat!)
AMHERST VFW, 457 Main Street
Doors Open at 5 PM
Adults: $8 Students: $5 Children Under 6: FREE!!
All Proceeds to benefit Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Contact Information: Natalie Onacki
Victoria Legge

***Save the Date: African American Achievement Night***

You are cordially invited to attend the 2nd Annual African American Achievement Night.  

This much anticipated community celebration is scheduled for May 8 at 6:30pm in the Amherst Regional High School Auditorium (21 Mattoon Street).

District administrators, faculty, staff, students, families and community members will gather to celebrate the academic, extracurricular, musical, athletic, and community service accomplishments of students in grades K-12.  Music, dance and spoken word performances will enhance the event.

We look forward to seeing you at this wonderful community event.

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